The Ready, Set, Scale Mini-Mastermind is exclusively created for experienced health and wellness business owners who are ready to scale to a place of ultimate profitability!

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Meet Your Coach


Hi! Iā€™m JoĀ White, RD, your Business + Branding Coach. Iā€™m a 30-something Jersey native helping health and wellness entrepreneurs, just like you, scale coaching businesses to new heights to create financial freedom. After starting and scaling my nutrition coaching business to 5-figureĀ months while balancing a full-time job at the time, I knew I was meant to help other women do the same!Ā 

I believe deep down that a key part of my success is creating a business built on a sustainability. One that is bursting at the seams with integrity, authenticity, and confidence. From product suite expansion to income stacking, after The Ready, Set, ScaleĀ Mastermind, you'll walk away with a complete step-by-step framework on what practices and strategies to implement to exceed your impact + income goals, with ease.

I'll see you inside!

All cohorts are very small and intimate so get your application in to be considered for our upcoming group!

Let's Go!

About The Ready, Set, Scale Mini-Mastermind


You wake up every morning, determined to make your business a bonified success. You're making money, but often find yourself wondering, "Now what?"

You know you need a blueprint for profitability. You know you want to scale your business, but you have no idea how to create a long term plan to stack your income and bring in the revenue you're craving. 

The Ready, Set, Scale Mini-Mastermind is your fast-track program to go from feeling stagnant and confused  to efficient and confident in your business.

This group coaching program is designed to help intermediate or advanced level entrepreneurs, just like yourself, gain the step-by-step clarity on how to scale a successful business so you can start making more money with ease. Imagine being the owner of a business that is both lucrative and transformational. This is possible for you, too.

In this small, intimate group setting, you will learn each piece of the processes that I personally used in my business to scale to multiple-5-figure months, while working less. Your success is there for the taking.

What's Included?

In The Ready, Set, Scale Mini-Mastermind, you'll receive: 
  • 8 Weekly Live Group Trainings that will immediately take your business from stagnant to skyrocketing
  • Intimate Group Chat Messenger Support so you are supported and held accountable  between calls - think - my eyes, ears, and brain inside your business, growing it right there, alongside you!
  • An intimate sisterhood of female business owners who "get it" and will help support and elevate you toward your business goals

Curriculum Sneak Peek 


Module 1: Creating Your Customer Journey

  • So someone just started following you on Instagram or just requested to be in your Facebook Group. Now what?! Together, we will build and solidify your customer journey so your leads are actually turning into paying clients! You will never question what to do or what to say to your potential dream clients again!

Module 2: Revenue Forecasting

  • How are you supposed to hit those big milestones in life such as buying a house, supporting your family, quitting your job, etc. if you aren't able to predict what you will be making next month in your business? We will be planning out the next 3 months of your business so you can sit back and relax knowing what you will be selling and when!

Module 3: Product Suite Expansion

  • All around you fellow entrepreneurs are coming out with group coaching programs or ebooks and immediately your wheels start turning! Hit the brakes! In this module we will navigate how exactly to add in new offers so this way they are actually profitable! Remember, you aren't building a counseling business- you are building an empire!

Module 4: What to Know Before You Launch

  • Have you ever heard the phrase "you don't know what you don't know"? Well, that sums up this module perfectly! In this module you will be planning out all of the behind the scenes, checking all of the boxes, BEFORE you hit play and jump into launch mode! Think - you'll be handed the parachute before jumping out of the plane!

Module 5: Launch, Launch, Launch!

  • So you see this buzzword "Launching" all over your social media and you immediately roll your eyes because you don't know what it means. Or maybe you have launched a new program before and it was such a flop that you retreated back into hibernation mode! Not under my watch! This module is going to give you the tools and strategies for a successful and profitable upcoming launch! 

Module 6: Mastering Upselling & Downselling

  • So you are hit smack in the face with a financial objection and immediately feel so uncomfortable! At the end of the day this client needs help and you have the solution! That is where upsell and downsell strategies come into play! Mastering upselling & downselling will not only add thousands to your income, but will allow your clients to get the help they need!

Module 7: Income Stacking

  • So your biz bestie just hit their biggest revenue month to date and you are cheering them on from the sidelines but deep down it is trigger-central over here! Let's just say, you are feeling some type of way. Don't worry, I've been there! This module will give you the exact roadmap to hitting those high income months with ease so your next milestone, doesn't feel out of reach!

Module 8: Next Level Growth

  • During our final call we will be wrapping up with a discussion on what next level growth looks like for you and how to harness the authority of the next level version of you. You will be walking out of this program a changed person, with a changed business. The clarity you will gain is unmeasurable and it is time to step into your power. 
Are you ready for a step-by-step blueprint of how to reverse engineer your business to hit those higher income months you've been dreaming about without simply "working more"?
Your time is now. I’m here to guide you every step of the way.
Click below to apply!

Frequently Asked Questions